First, just take a look at the Marketing Technology LUMAscape. Consolidation is bound to occur:
The Data Providers: One Quadrant Chart To Rule Them All
Great insight from Ramsey McGrory, President & CEO of AddThis in this AdExchanger piece:
"In this piece, I did not call out a Z axis of diversified IT players such as IBM, Adobe, Salesforce, Oracle, SAP or even Amazon and Google (DSPs, ATDs, DMPs, Exchanges and the like fall somewhere on this Z axis as well). I believe they represent the sector focused on delivering some combination of infrastructure, data and services to companies that are consumer facing. These IT juggernauts are competitive with the largest consumer technology companies, and while they may not own data themselves, they must have data at scale integrated into their platform to provide valuable products and services."
CRM as the system of record
"Salesforce has been spending much of the
last decade building its CRM system. Since more than 75 percent of the
companies that use Salesforce are B2B, the company’s CRM platform is arguably
the system of record for the B2B marketer. This puts Salesforce, as the
fastest-growing scaled vendor in the space, in the driver’s seat to become the
platform where marketers keep their treasure trove of prospect and customer
information and interaction data. Oracle, NetSuite, IBM, Google, SAP — and
arguably even Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter — don’t want to see Salesforce
have the lock on such valuable data. To fend off the Salesforce threat, these
companies are developing their own audience data strategies, ranging from
aggressive acquisitions to building cookie data exchanges, or even building
their own social networks (if they’re not one already). As each realizes, the
vendor that controls audience data “wins” because all marketing decisions are
keyed off of this information."
Yet another gem here from Russ in this interview:
Is the marketing automation sector interested in your B2B data?
"To be honest, it's the crux of what is so exciting about the next stage of this space. Real-time bidding (RTB) brings phenomenal value, but there's a little bit of "so what?" When you can start to integrate automation into the core systems that marketers are using to be successful, now things get exciting because you've enabled more efficiency in the enterprise and the marketing team than they've had before. I'll give you an example. Bizo has integrated with Eloqua – one of many systems that we're integrated with – and this enables a marketer with the same process that they’re doing day-to-day, but through automation. It syncs email with social and display such that within a certain marketing automation wave, a consumer is going to get the display ad that syncs up with that message. As they move down the funnel, they’re going to get different ads, case studies – whatever the marketing may demand, based on where they are in the tunnel. From an outbound standpoint, you just automated a huge part of what the marketer does beyond email.
What's even more aligned with the Holy Grail of marketing is that all of that information about number of display ads viewed and that this person was served two social ads – that's now all part of the attribution data. You as a marketer can see how you are going to most effectively model to drive success. That’s a big example of the power that automation, integrated with the right marketing systems, can create."
Is offline starting to play in your world more?
"It is, but the last statement you made is important in here. We use offline data to help our clients associate their CRM system and all of their first-party data with our broader data set. Bizo doesn't maintain any kind of PII ourselves, but we help out clients be smarter about their data sets and more effective with their data sets through offline data. The onboarding process actually tailors the offline data."
What is the offline data these days that people try to onboard or use through you guys?
"It's the business email address. That's the key to the B2B "kingdom" – the business email address."
Russ is dead on here and not only is email king in B2B but B2C as well - hence the ExactTarget acquisition.
CRM Vendors In Hot Pursuit Of Paid Media
More goodness from the fine folks at
"With digital marketing budgets expected to rise this year, customer relationship management (CRM) software vendors are ramping up their pursuit of paid media budgets.
“Marketing is perhaps the hottest area in the customer-facing realm right now, and it is evident the place has multiple holes to fill and many approaches to take,” observed Paul Greenberg, president of The 56 Group, a consulting firm that focuses on CRM strategic services.
Combining data sets – i.e. “breaking the silos” to serve customers relevant ads and offers – is one of the holes that marketers are trying to fill. CRM vendors are approaching the problem by offering more ways for companies to fuse their CRM data with advertising.
Customer demand drove’s decision to produce, a tool that lets marketers connect their purchase and customer loyalty data, as well as data from contests, whitepaper downloads and other conversion pages to their social ad campaigns, according to Peter Goodman, VP of Salesforce Marketing Cloud."
Changing Lanes: Solving the Decade-Old Problem of Cross-Channel Ad Attribution
Surprised to see another article? Don't be! Kim Reed Perrell CEO of Adconion Direct offers some great insight here:
"However, unifying digital spending is a way for most advertisers to begin aligning their attribution capabilities. Simply put, if your media campaigns aren’t served, managed and distributed from a single platform for a single user, you can’t know the impact of one touch point to another for any given user and therefore can’t make meaningful attribution models."
JEGI's Tolman Geffs Talks CRM Developments, e-Commerce Trends
In this article, Jordan Edminston Group's Tolman Geffs details their view of the market:
"Trend number two is integrating that customer experience through the e-commerce platform back into the CRM system and then into the marketing machine. That integration is the key next step. For the next three to seven years, you’re going to see a tremendous amount of investment, growth and M&A in that area. Salesforce buying ExactTarget is a great example of that. That’s an example of integrating CRM into marketing messaging.
For the players in ad tech, this is an emerging stack that a number of them will get acquired into. You’re already seeing this with folks like Oracle, IBM and SAP building both stacks of e-commerce capabilities and enterprise marketing capabilities. They’re going to continue making those acquisitions and those will be increasingly integrated."
At The Merkle Summit: Building The Marketer's Competitive Advantage
David William CEO of CRM powerhouse Merkle provides his view:
"Revisiting his “Connected CRM” (cCRM for short) theme of the previous year, Williams provided an update and noted the move “from the campaign-focused world to the customer-focused world,” and how it’s now about utilization of relationships, rather than “the matching” of data points. And, for the marketer’s bottom-line purposes, it’s about how those relationships get monetized."